Volunteer Induction

Volunteer Induction - Child Safe


Thank you for volunteering at Southern Cross Primary School.  We value our community members and are grateful to everyone who is able to support our school and the students.  You may be volunteering on a regular basis or be able to support at an excursion. 


As a volunteer, there are a number of policies and procedures that you are required to be familiar with before volunteering at the school.  Please complete the following steps below.


  1. Download the Vounteer Induction Pack
  2. Watch the Parent Volunteer Induction Video (below), there are 3 options:
    1. Option 1 - For current parents / carers / grandparents involved in the school community
    2. Option 2 - Includes subtitles in Dari
    3. Option 3 - For volunteers who do  not have children at the school
  3. You can view the related policies here
    1. Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
    2. Child Safety Code of Conduct
    3. Responding to Allegations of Abuse
  4. Complete and sign the Induction Form to confirm you are familiar with the policies and procedures by clicking here https://forms.gle/EFxL7eY4QWHw3QMe6 




Option 1: Video for Parent or Carer Volunteers







Option 2: Video for Parent or Carer Volunteers (Dari Translation)





Option 3: Video for Community Volunteers